Your pets are easy targets for parasites. Common parasites like fleas and heartworm-carrying mosquitoes feed on your pets, potentially infecting them with many dangerous diseases in the process. Fleas and mosquitoes are year-round problems in Southern California, so make sure you protect your pets from them all year long, as these tiny pests can cause big problems.


These bloodsucking insects feed on mammals and lay eggs in their fur. Fleas can transmit parasites like tapeworms, and they can cause dermatitis and anemia. One flea can reproduce nearly 50 times a day, making a flea infestation a substantial threat to your pet’s well-being. Flea infestations often spread throughout your home, moving into your carpet and furniture. This makes them tough to eradicate.


Heartworm-carrying mosquitoes are a lethal danger to your pet. Mosquito bites can transmit heartworm larva, and that larva then slowly develops and moves toward the heart. Once there, it multiplies in the pulmonary artery, leading to constricted blood flow, heart disease, and major organ failure.

Parasite Prevention Plan

Regular application of antiparasitic medication is the best way to keep your pet free of nasty parasites. Consult your Best Friends Animal Hospital veterinarian to determine the best parasite control products for your pet.

Best Friends Animal Hospital’s Parasite Prevention Plan includes:

  • Pet examination and testing
  • Product consultation with a Best Friends Animal Hospital veterinarian
  • Access to industry-leading medicine and equipment

If you would like to get your pet started on preventive medication and you’re not sure which to choose, or if you suspect that your pet is already living with an infestation, schedule an appointment with your Best Friends Animal Hospital veterinarian immediately.