Having your pet spayed or neutered doesn’t only benefit your pet. It also benefits our entire community. Animal overpopulation is a serious issue that puts stress on animal shelters. Millions of animals are euthanized in shelters every year because they can’t find homes. Spaying or neutering your own pets helps reduce animal overpopulation, as it eliminates their abilities to reproduce.
When your pets are spayed or neutered at Best Friends Animal Hospital, they receive preoperative blood work, allowing us to ensure that your pets are well enough for surgery. They also receive IV fluids, pain medication during and after the procedure, and a buster collar to wear at home. While under anesthesia, your pets’ full vitals are monitored, including heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and ECG.
Spaying is a common surgical procedure performed on female cats and dogs. During the surgery, the patient’s uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes are removed so the animal can no longer reproduce. Best Friends Animal Hospital veterinarians recommend spaying your pets when they are around six months old, depending on the breed. It is ideal to spay before the first heat. Consult your Best Friends Animal Hospital veterinarian to determine the best time to spay your pet.
Benefits of Spaying
Spaying has more benefits than just preventing unwanted pregnancies and fighting animal overpopulation. Spaying also:
- Reduces your pet’s risk of breast cancer
- Eliminates the messy, stressful heat cycle
- Eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine tumors
- Eliminates the risk of uterine infections
What to expect after surgery
After your dog is spayed, your pet will need 10-14 days of recovery time while the sutures are in place. Postoperative rest and pain relievers keep your pet comfortable during this recovery period. Your pet will also be required to wear a protective buster collar while the incision heals to keep her from licking and biting the incision. This lowers the chance of infection.
Neutering is performed on male cats and dogs. When animals are neutered, their testicles are removed so they can no longer impregnate other animals. The recommended age for neutering is breed-dependent and may range from six months to up to two years old. Consult your Best Friends Animal Hospital veterinarian to determine the best time to neuter your pet.
Benefits of Neutering
Neutering has more benefits than just preventing unwanted pregnancies and fighting animal overpopulation. Neutering also:
- Reduces aggressive behavior and overly dominant tendencies
- Reduces roaming and territory-marking
- Eliminates the risk of testicular cancer
- Reduces the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Reduces the risk of prostatic infections
What to expect after surgery
Although neutering is less invasive than spaying, it still requires 10 to 14 days of recovery time while sutures are in place. Postoperative rest and pain relievers keep your pet comfortable during this recovery period. After surgery, your pet will need to wear a protective buster collar while the incision heals to keep him from licking or biting the incision. This lowers the chance of infection.
To learn more about spaying and neutering, or to schedule an appointment to have your cat or dog spayed or neutered, contact your Best Friends Animal Hospital veterinarian today.